Mar 1, 2022Liked by Maggie Russo

So glad to have found your newsletter! Yes - the dynamics of narcissistic abuse / gaslighting / refusing to EVER admit wrong / deflection / alternate realities / blame shifting, are so obvious everywhere we look. From the same people who were all about Trump being an evil narcissist. (I'm no Trump fan, just noting the hypocrisy). HG Tudor has an interesting concept of layers of narcissistic personalities beyond the usual descriptions. "Lesser", "mid range", and "greater" /"ultra" (as he, admitted sociopath, describes himself). These may be concepts designed so Tudor can sell more stuff (much of his info is free, but not all). But they also make sense.

Lessers have no self control, they have toddler tantrums, they are obvious. Tudor describes Trump as lesser and Biden as mid range narcissists. People look at Trump's way of communicating and make all sorts of psychological / abuse triggers analysis, and they're probably right.

But those same people fall for more skillful narcissists / and psychopaths spinning narrative after narrative of complete bullshit (bullshit sometimes has grains of truth but no dedication to truth), and don't see the gaslighting / how they're being manipulated. Maddening. Tragic. And spaces that discuss narcissistic abuse are often only about the personal, and don't want to bridge with what's happening in the bigger picture.

Thank you for your weavings and writings.

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Yes - there is a continuum of narcissism, as well as different types. Since narcissists crave power, they are drawn to politics. It's tricky to write about narcissism in power structures in the same space as discussing personal relationships, but I think we need to be consciously aware of the different manifestations of narcissistic abuse.

I suggest that if "all politics is local" then all narcissism is global.

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Yes. And, I will ...

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Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 29, 2022Author

Members of the European Parliament criticize Canadian PM Justin Trudeau after his speech to the European Union for his dictatorial behavior. Canadian & American media ignore the snub on a global stage while European media broadcasts it. Tell me again, who has the free press and who is a propaganda arm of government? https://tnc.news/2022/03/24/media-ignores-scolding-of-trudeau/

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