
Another good article on eugenics and the WHO ends with:

"Let’s call a spade a spade and go back to calling this what we used to call it – eugenics. And be ever mindful as the WHO pandemic treaty and vaccine passport projects continue, with the potential for your DNA to become the means by which your identification is verified, that the man who will soon be in charge of setting the global agenda for it is Sir Jeremy Farrar." - Paul Jardine in "Covid Insider Farrar and His Eugenics Agenda" Brownstone Institute. Feb. 1, 2023

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Jeffrey Tucker published an article today on the history of eugenics in America which was the root of the modern Progressive era a hundred years ago led by scientific elites who, among other things. advocated for and achieved:

1. Immigration restrictions

2. Segregation

3. Forced sterilizations

4. Myogenic regulations to keep women out of the work force

This world-view was not only shared by those in positions of power in Europe & America, it was taught in the universities as the "right-thinking" of the modern man.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

"Eugenics Then and Now" by Jeffrey A. Tucker, Brownstone.org, January 30, 2023


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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022Author

I really didn't mention narcissism in this article. So allow me to add:

1- Demonizing an enemy and claiming an entitled superior status is the standard drama game operations of narcissism, especially, but not only, vulnerable narcissists.

2- Promoting a false world-view, whether dystopian representation of reality or a future-fake of a better tomorrow, is a gaslight that is intended to manipulate behavior. It is psychological abuse and perspecticide, which are also consistent with propaganda.

3- Controlling people with triangulation (media) and armies of flying monkeys (social media trolls and so-called experts) that promote the narcissist's point of view while invalidating the victim's experience is the classic behavior of abusive personalities.

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Maggie, I finally got your recommendation to read this article. Excellent. Thank you. I have hopes that justice will be served for all those who have died due to this Culling. May those that have perpetrated this heinous crime pay dearly in the Lake of Fire for eternity and beyond. Karm

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023Liked by Maggie Russo

Maggie, thank you so much for these apt synopsis of what we are engaged in. I agree with you regards to Progressive movement at the turn of the century. Ultimately this anti-God mindset was the leading shock wave that enabled Hitler and the nazis to move their genocide into high gear. They did what they did because they saw the progressive west doing exactly what they wanted to do...and they followed suit and expanded on it's logical conclusions. Japan, not much different. Racial elitist supremecy powered by progressive science leads to death, enslavement and misery for the families of humanity.

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