I think it is inevitable that leaders are controlling personality types, many on the dark triad. It takes huge drive, an almost obsessive desire for money and/or power, a thick skin, charm, the ability to manipulate, the ability to exploit situations for one's own advantage (and situations easily become people), the ability to deflect from scrutiny etc....to leverage up to these powerful positions against other combatants. And, the public will vote them in, because the average Joe or Jane could never climb such a treacherous ladder and admire those who do.
I don't know if it is "inevitable" but it is a certainty that those types are drawn to that game - climbing the ladder by ruthlessly using or destroying whomever they meet along the way.
It's been said that 30% of those occupying C-suite positions fit the definition of psycho/sociopath. The only place where there are more of these personalities is in prison. The difference between the two groups is mostly a matter of skill. Think Bernie Madoff.
Yes, I don't think most people in prison are there due to being inherently anti-social. They do break social contracts, but most are so traumatized from childhood by authority figures that they do not learn to respect authority. They have been abandoned for so long, and remain emotionally immature, so survival dictates the necessity of taking short cuts. They simply don't have the resilience to leverage up in healthy ways. Bernie Madoff was a white-collar criminal, but most in prison are from low socio-economic backgrounds, single parent families and suffer high anxiety (psychopaths are not anxious). Think about all the lies that Fauci told and the consequences, death and harm to millions. The average person in prison has done far less harm to society. So many women in prison are there for prostitution, you don't find their patrons in jail. Also, they are generally drug addicts. Look at how the medical system enables opioid addiction which leads to homelessness, prostitution, and theft. There are some people in politics who enter to help their communities and are not driven by the need for adulation, but as we see in how the world is running, they are in the minority.
I think it is inevitable that leaders are controlling personality types, many on the dark triad. It takes huge drive, an almost obsessive desire for money and/or power, a thick skin, charm, the ability to manipulate, the ability to exploit situations for one's own advantage (and situations easily become people), the ability to deflect from scrutiny etc....to leverage up to these powerful positions against other combatants. And, the public will vote them in, because the average Joe or Jane could never climb such a treacherous ladder and admire those who do.
I don't know if it is "inevitable" but it is a certainty that those types are drawn to that game - climbing the ladder by ruthlessly using or destroying whomever they meet along the way.
It's been said that 30% of those occupying C-suite positions fit the definition of psycho/sociopath. The only place where there are more of these personalities is in prison. The difference between the two groups is mostly a matter of skill. Think Bernie Madoff.
Yes, I don't think most people in prison are there due to being inherently anti-social. They do break social contracts, but most are so traumatized from childhood by authority figures that they do not learn to respect authority. They have been abandoned for so long, and remain emotionally immature, so survival dictates the necessity of taking short cuts. They simply don't have the resilience to leverage up in healthy ways. Bernie Madoff was a white-collar criminal, but most in prison are from low socio-economic backgrounds, single parent families and suffer high anxiety (psychopaths are not anxious). Think about all the lies that Fauci told and the consequences, death and harm to millions. The average person in prison has done far less harm to society. So many women in prison are there for prostitution, you don't find their patrons in jail. Also, they are generally drug addicts. Look at how the medical system enables opioid addiction which leads to homelessness, prostitution, and theft. There are some people in politics who enter to help their communities and are not driven by the need for adulation, but as we see in how the world is running, they are in the minority.